Johns Hopkins University

Resident Assistant

June - July 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I enjoyed the opportunity to work with people of different backgrounds from many parts of the country in many fields. It also gave me great experience with teaching young and foreign children.

What I wish was different

I wish the site management had been more professional and put together. Many of the assignments were last minute with minimal information and terrible leadership.


I would recommend that you definitely give it a chance as it is a great resume experience. I would also advise you to create a community with your fellow co-workers as they will be great to network with and learn from.
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Developmental Research Assistant

June - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I loved having the opportunity to conduct in my own independent research project at an R1 university. I also enjoyed directly working with children in a collaborative environment to better understand the trajectory of child cognition.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship provided on-campus housing, but that's it!


A piece of advice I would share is to prepare to dedicate a large amount of your summer to research.
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Athletic Trainer Intern

June - July 2019 • Crofton, MD

What I liked

The staff was very kind and sought to help wherever they could!

What I wish was different

I wish I would have stayed longer


If you get the chance to work with Johns Hopkins I would recommend it! Great school and great area!
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

March 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I enjoyed the collaboration and exposure to the research world. I was able to work independently for most of it, but had a wealth of people and resources I could turn to for help.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have dedicated more time to the research. I was volunteering and had other commitments that limited my availability.


I would recommend starting to look for summer opportunities early! There are so many amazing options, so pick out some that interest you and apply early. However, don't jump the gun and accept the first offer you get - really think about what is most interesting and beneficial to you in that moment.
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Lab Intern/Research Assistant

February 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Getting to work in a physics lab on the Homewood Campus was interesting and my lab was very flexible as well, which made the work enjoyable. I also feel like I learned a lot!

What I wish was different

I wish I would've gotten a little bit more background information about what all the work I was doing meant. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't understand everything that was happening or what my analysis meant entirely.


If you are looking for research internships in academia it is definitely worth emailing or asking PI's directly about working with them. Not all internships have to be formal programs and often informal ones offer more flexibility and can be more enjoyable
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May - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Everything! Teaching the students was great, the professor I worked for was great, too! Even grading wasn’t bad.

What I wish was different

Perhaps that we taught the students python instead of excel


Learn everyone’s name!
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Research assistant

July - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I love that I was able to learn about the field of science and various steps in research methods while doing meaningful work.

What I wish was different


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Research Technologist

July 2018 - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Friendly lab environment, access to many resources. Also encouraged to present research in lab meetings and attend departmental talks.

What I wish was different


You have a high amount of autonomy - don't be afraid to share ideas about your research, lab policies, or anything else professionally related.
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October 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Having a long time to understand the research and focus on that

What I wish was different

I wish I went to a new city or state and explored more


Give yourself some free time, don’t overbook yourself
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Quantitative Research Intern

June - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Flexible hours and valuable learning experience

What I wish was different


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Biology Research Assistant

July 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to learn from my experience and apply the knowledge into my classes.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more chances to integrate myself fully into my lab.


Go in with an open mind and be ready to not understand and ask questions so you can learn.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I liked the opportunity to be more involved in my research lab. I was able to learn more wet lab skills given that I had more time. I was grateful for the opportunity to present at my first research symposium as well.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more opportunities to network with other fellows who had received research awards as well as events to learn more about finding conferences, publishing your work, etc.


Take advantage of the different scholarship opportunities around you and don't be afraid to apply, even if you feel unprepared or underqualified. Everything can be a learning experience that helps you grow and understand yourself and your interest better.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I liked being able to focus on research, as i typically do it during the semester.

What I wish was different

More hours.


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Independent Research Project

May 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Culminated a great relationship with my PI and I learned a lot of applicable molecular biology techniques and experiments.

What I wish was different

I wish I spent more time on weekends volunteering/working at a nearby EMS crew.


It's always great to get involved in research early, but make sure you are genuinely passionate about the topic you choose so that when you're working full-time over the summer, you enjoy being in the lab and working. I'd also encourage you to build a strong relationship between your PI, direct supervisor if you have on (ex. postdoc/grad student) and yourself. It makes coming to lab a lot more fun when you know the people who are helping you on your path forward in research.
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Research Assistant

May - August 2019 • Puno, Calao

What I liked

Being abroad and speaking only in Spanish!

What I wish was different

It was winter and I was 13000 feet in the mountains so I wish it had been warmer.


You can form enduring relationships with people even if you don't speak the same language.
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Economics research intern

June - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Freedom to learn on my own and try different approaches to assignments, my opinion was valued and expected.

What I wish was different


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Undergraduate Researcher

May - July 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I liked the environment, the people, and the subject of my research!

What I wish was different

N/A My job was very flexible


Depending on how much research you are doing, you may want to keep your summer free of other commitments.
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Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I enjoyed learning lab techniques.

What I wish was different

I wish my experience had been more hands-on.


Apply for the CFAR internship!
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Medical Research Intern

May - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Having the ability to learn and perform research with many providers that are prominent in the medical field. I also had the opportunity to learn more about diversity in medicine by participating with/studying multiple ethnic populations with developmental disorders, spinal cord injuries, and the Urban Native American population in Baltimore. I met with many political figures in Maryland Government and Medical Department Heads of Johns Hopkins Medicine to include the President of Johns Hopkins Health System/Executive Vice-President of Johns Hopkins Medicine. I developed research that I had the opportunity to present at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta.

What I wish was different

I wish that there was more funding that I could have spent a full week at the CDC to present more of my research. I wish that there was more information and and funding for projects like this so that more people could have the experience that I had. I wish that UIW was a part of this program, so that it could be a satellite site during the summer for this program.


This was one of the best experiences that I have had in a long time that was more fun than work. It was an experience that was afforded to me that was not presented in the beginning to be as great as it was. Experience makes us better people to share those experiences with others, not people that are better than others. It was reiterated several times during this experience that we all bleed the same and are human beings that deserve equity and not just equality.
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